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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, February 27. 2024Tuesday morning links
Yeah but those life span stats are deceptive. There was huge child mortality in the past Eating to Extinction: The World's Rarest Foods and Why We Need to Save Them Hmmm. Don't worry, be happy Update On The Good And The Bad Settler Colonialists Democrats Don’t Want Parents Involved In Childhood Education Is there a therapy culture? Antidepressant prescription rate among children aged 12-17 soared by 64% during pandemic - and more than DOUBLED among teen girls, data shows Gen Z more likely to ditch work for a ‘mental health’ day — here’s why that concerns job experts How Bad Therapy Hijacked Our Nation’s Schools - Forget the Pledge of Allegiance. Today’s teachers are more likely to start the school day with an ‘emotions check-in.’ Female Genital Mutilation Is Also A European Issue The cult at The New York Times Make Sure You're Not a 'Christian Nationalist' Stuart on Christian Nationalism Jordan Peterson, God, And Christianity Former Boeing Employee Won't Fly on 737 Max Planes Don't worry, be happy Joe Biden’s welcome mat is out, and everyone is here to stay–especially those who will degrade our country. I want legal immigrants. I know several. They have gratitude. The Republican establishment begins to understand that lawfare endangers them, too CIA Built "12 Secret Spy Bases" In Ukraine & Waged Shadow War For Last Decade, Bombshell NYT Report Confirms No surprise EUROPEAN FARMERS REVOLT: Tractors Break Through Barriers in Brussels – Agricultural Workers Surround EU Headquarters, Spray Liquid Manure at Police in Major Show of Force The peasants are revolting Trackbacks
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I quit teaching about 50 years ago (yes I'm old). I would have the class stand and say The Pledge every morning but it seems that I was the only conservative in the teacher's lounge even back then as I would get "Oh, I never make them say The Pledge". Everybody else was a Democrat even back then. The degeneracy has been in the works for a long time.
Wow. Fifty years ago I was in elementary school, starting every day with the pledge of allegiance.
Place a moratorium on legal immigration and citizenship to last until 100% of illegals are deported. End the asylum laws. Begin a vigorous effort to find and deport everyone here illegally. Incentivize self-deportation. Implement strict visa laws to visit or travel to this country that guarantees the traveler leaves. Fine anyone who hires illegals and anyone who aides illegals to stay here. Bring back America not the national Motel 6 we live in today.
Count de Monet: It is said that the people are revolting.
King Louis XVI: You said it! They stink on ice! With regards to the knights templar: no doubt they also enjoyed a vigorous exercise routine.
12 secret CIA spy bases... No doubt keeping company with the biolabs that Richard Lugar and Barack Obama helped to install in the Ukraine. CIA and neocons always stirring up shit and using NATO muscle as their choice of force.
Somehow the words “Islam” and “muslim” did not appear in the article about Female Genital Mutilation.
The democratic socialist progressive authoritarians have been using lawfare since the stock market top in 1999. Subsidizing identity freaks, bailing out banks, importing ner-do-wells over the border, promoting corporatism, playing global cop, standing with Islam, and attacking anyone or anything appearing as Christian nationalists.
Any Marxist should be in awe of such success. I don’t believe the base of the Republican Party has changed. Trump certainly wasn’t my fist pick in 2015. Be a cold day in hell before I vote for that career criminal Hillary Clinton.
Most of these media, Hollywood types, the ones that drive the culture are not atheists. They’re pagans. They worship themselves and the idolization of Big Government. They bow before Gaia. They sacrifice their children. This is nothing new and I’m not the first to point it out. The Jews have the same problems Catholics have. They fall for the promises of Statism. I see that over 80% of Jews vote democrat. I’m sure it’s the same for Catholics. Even though there has been many encyclicals written against Marxism, going all the way back to 1849, the teaching fails to take root. How long after the Jews were lead out of Egypt did they convince Aaron to make gold idols? Pope Pius IX (Notis et Nobiscom) one year after the communist manifesto: QUOTE: 18. As regards this teaching and these theories, it is now generally known that the special goal of their proponents is to introduce to the people the pernicious fictions of Socialism and Communism by misapplying the terms "liberty" and "equality." The final goal shared by these teachings, whether of Communism or Socialism, even if approached differently, is to excite by continuous disturbances workers and others, especially those of the lower class, whom they have deceived by their lies and deluded by the promise of a happier condition. They are preparing them for plundering, stealing, and usurping first the Church's and then everyone's property. After this they will profane all law, human and divine, to destroy divine worship and to subvert the entire ordering of civil societies. *my bold.Sound familiar? The Enlightenment redone...don't be the Vendee. Liberty AND Equality are only available in the Marxist shopping isles.
Immigration is about profit, power, and punishment. Regardless of how many "good" immigrants you know, we should have an immigration moratorium. The only reason the great influx of immigrants between the 1880s and 1920s assimilated was because of one thing, they stopped coming. After Italian anarchists blew up Wall Street in 1919 the elites got an immigration pause. Today our elites hate Americans and would never have stopped anarchists from coming endlessly.
Belmont Club: The Surprising Indeterminacy of the War in Ukraine
QUOTE: The Ukrainian soldiers are getting fewer, and Russia's military equipment is getting older by the day. Both things are occurring simultaneously. Each is weakening and gaining strength in his own way. On some time spans, it means disadvantage Kyiv. On other time scales, it spells game over Moscow as a world capital. The analyst must reckon which effect is dominant. . . . For the moment, it seems unlikely Russia has the power to seize all of Ukraine to its Western borders, just as it is hard to imagine Ukraine retaking all its Eastern losses. Absent a collapse on either side, the division line may settle in between. . . . The capitals of the world would prefer the carnage to settle into an inconclusive draw, into something they can negotiate, rather than take a dramatic turn, but they are not in control. Tomorrow will bring what it will. https://pjmedia.com/richard-fernandez/2024/02/24/the-surprising-indeterminacy-of-the-war-in-ukraine-n4926739 It seems clear that Russia's goal was never to take Ukraine territory to its western border.
They've been calling for diplomacy over the DonBas and the ethinic Russian population that was being mistreated by the Ukrainian Nazi CIA-installed government. Which is why they will never give back the eastern Ukrainian territory that they hold now. The western powers have proven their trustworthiness, hand in hand with a corrupt Ukrainian government. The poor innocent Ukrainian people are being crushed as a result. Similarly why the Russians controlled Crimea, with the approval of the people of Crimea. |