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Monday, February 26. 2024Monday morning links
Skeptical here How COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates May Have Backfired I'm the psychiatrist who helped the 9/11 first responders overcome their trauma - here's what they taught me about resilience Kite & Key Media: Past Drug Crises Were Overhyped, Fentanyl Isn't Fentanyl Is Killing American Kids. Most Don’t Even Know They’re Taking It. The Biden administration’s aggressive net-zero agenda jeopardizes our quality of life Canadian serial killer 'cannibal' who murdered at least 26 women and fed them to his pigs is now eligible to apply for PAROLE No death sentence? Nate Silver calls to shut down Gemini after Google’s AI chatbot refuses to say if Hitler or Musk is worse Musk is obviously worse Professor denies Russia helped defeat Germany I believe Russians killed more German military than the other allies. What Will Anti-Trump Hysteria Look Like by the Time We Get to Election Day? Fourteen Russian Hoaxes and What Explains Them Why a Catholic Bishop Said This MSNBC Segment Was One of the Most Disturbing Things He's Ever Seen Biden Botches Lincoln Quote, Brands Xi Leader of Russia, Gets Confused Without Handler Doesn't matter politically Venezuela Halts Deportation Flights From US The MSM is Admitting That Ukraine Can't Beat Russia Duh. Russia has been holding back Should America Continue to Aid Ukraine?Two years on from Russia’s invasion, Elbridge Colby and Bret Stephens debate what U.S. policy should be. Policeman of the world? Not gonna happen 60 Minutes goes to Sweden to make a heart warming special about diversity, but see a different situation, then this happens. Trackbacks
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Fentanyl Is Killing American Kids. Most Don’t Even Know They’re Taking It.
But they know they are taking something that wasn't prescribed for them. They are taking pills handed to them by friends or strangers. For legit reasons or for just getting high. Stupid. Just stupid. This is the hard way to raise the national IQ. "How COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates May Have Backfired"
A statement in the article: "COVID-19 vaccines... safeguarding tens of millions of vulnerable Americans from hospitalization or even death." This isn't true. The vaccine didn't prevent covid. It was a total failure. In fact people died from the vaccine even while it remained totally ineffective in preventing covid. It was literally a pandemic of the vaccinated. This entire article is nothing more than the ongoing effort to rewrite history and wipe out the terrible things the Biden administration did. There should be a full investigation of those in the government who took away our constitutional rights and they should go to jail. Anon: It was literally a pandemic of the vaccinated.
There were over 350,000 COVID deaths in the United States before the vaccine was available. Excess deaths closely mirror the COVID mortality count, even when subdivided across regions. Furthermore, the mortality rate was much lower for those who had been vaccinated when compared to those who were not vaccinated. All narrative all the time. Mandating an experiment with unknown results is why neither government or science are trusted. Nor are their echo chambers trusted.
Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsJnc4uYtRw and prove him wrong.
Anon: Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsJnc4uYtRw and prove him wrong.
Carlson is an admitted liar, and a court ruled that Carlson's commentary can't be taken as factual. The video does not provide any actual evidence. Weinstein says he "saw a credible estimate" from someone at an unnamed conference. Kirsch provides anecdotes without context and vague claims about data. Kirsch also falsely claims that other vaccines haven't resulted in safety signals or adverse events. None of this addresses your original claim that it was "a pandemic of the vaccinated," or the data we provided that contradicted your claim, including the hundreds of thousands who died before the vaccine was available. 17 million dead from the covid shot and all you can do is to denigrate the interviewer! Where is your heart, your concern for those killed by big Pharma and their families. Oh! That's right! You are a leftist and have no heart.
Anon: 17 million dead from the covid shot
That’s the claim, but it’s not supported by the evidence. Anon: and all you can do is to denigrate the interviewer! Carlson is an admitted liar. But pointing that out is not all we did. We also showed that neither of your “authorities” provided any actual evidence, while we provided strong evidence that the pandemic was not due to vaccination, including hundreds of thousands of excess deaths in the U.S. before the vaccines were even available. You can easily search for contemporary news articles about hospitals being inundated with COVID patients during that period. "That’s the claim, but it’s not supported by the evidence."
No! The "evidence" is dead! All 17 million of them. And the bureaucracy is working 24/7 to cover everything up.
2024-02-27 09:48
Anon: No! The "evidence" is dead! All 17 million of them.
To be clear, repeating your unevidenced claim while ignoring contrary evidence is not much of an argument.
2024-02-27 11:25
Boost away Zachbot. Boost away!!! =)
Lord Heathen
2024-02-27 13:42
It was not totally ineffective. People just make this stuff up.
Mostly, it's people who would be intelligent enough to understand the statistics if they chose to. But they choose to believe nonsense instead. "Pandemic of the vaccinated." I have seen that refuted in about two minutes at least six times at this point. It is based on studies done on populations in which over 90, sometimes 95% were vaccinated, such as the elderly. If the people who are vaccinated outnumber the unvaccinated 19 to 1, then you might see slightly more death in absolute terms. That's only one of the rfutations. Do you understand why that doesn't mean what you think it does? "Russians killed more German military than the other allies."
Maybe. But if that is correct do not forget that they killed most of them after they became prisoners. AND the Russians also killed and raped most of the civilians they encountered. There is literally nothing that the Russians did during WW II that anyone could be proud of. !. There isn't any "maybe" about it. The Russian army killed far more German and other Axis soldiers than the other Allies combined.
2. Most were not killed after they became prisoners. Outside the last 2 or 3 months, when the Germans were falling apart and conscripting 13 and 60 year olds, only a small percentage of German combatants on the eastern front were taken prisoner. Quarter was neither given nor taken on the eastern front after the first few months. 3. Are you sure you know the meaning of "literally"? When did you do the impossible task of cataloguing every single act of every single Russian combatant in WW2 so as to be able to make such an authoritative, absolute declaration? I'll add, despite the propensity of the Russians to act so punitively towards Germans, they never set up military groups whose sole purpose was to hunt down and kill civilians as the Germans did with their eziengroupen. Well, you are wrong in your defense of the Russians in WW II. They did in fact kill hundreds of thousands of soldiers who gave up. They did in fact kill hundreds of thousands of civilians. And they did in fact rape every German woman they encountered with few exceptions. Your history is sorely lacking. You sound like you got your WW II history from a 7th grade textbook.
The Russians may well have killed more Germans than the western Allies but - after all - they had much easier access to German troops (and for several more years; the Allies only gained footholds in Europe via Italy in September, 1943, and Normandy in June, 1944). As well, the Russians could not have done so well as they did had the Allies not supplied them with supplies via the Murmansk run. The Russians took such supplies as their due and - it should be noted - never supplied any ships to serve on that run. It was only the Allies - who were expected to sacrifice their men and ships to keep the supplies flowing eastward.
'60 Minutes goes to Sweden to make a heart warming special about diversity, but see a different situation, then this happens.'
They deserved it. You can take Esau's descendants out of the desert, but... That should make all the nightly news but we all know it won't.
Re: then this happens…
The impetus for unfettered “migration” into Western Europe and the US is not for the migrants to assimilate with Western culture but to undermine and eventually destroy it. Progressive Prosecutors Build a New Kind of Police State
QUOTE: The crime waves sweeping the country and the serial prosecutions of former President Trump and other conservatives are not separate events, but the common outcome of a fundamental transformation of the justice system from punishing crime to punishing political opposition. . . . Prosecutors are not supposed to be judges or legislators, but social justice activism demands that everyone use their profession to be an advocate for social change, . . . That is what progressive prosecutors believe and act upon. By engaging in sustained lawfare against conservatives, they believe that they are fighting against the ”root causes” of crime. And all other social problems. . . . Law enforcement and the justice system in its various forms were brought into being to protect the ruling class and then to protect individuals from harm by criminals. . . . Progressive prosecutors, for all that they claim to be making the system fairer, are actually reverting to that earlier two tier system in which the justice system is a means of enacting the agendas of the ruling class rather than protecting the lives and property of individuals. https://www.frontpagemag.com/progressive-prosecutors-build-a-new-kind-of-police-state/ Venezuelan deportation flights... C-17's and parachutes will get them there as well. They can hope for good winds.
Googles AI chatbot... they reflect the programmers mental conditioning and nothing more. For politics or morality they are useless. They might have some use in some work applications.
On Friday, Gallop published the latest presidential approval rating: 38% of those polled say Biden is doing a good job. Eighty-two percent of democrats say he is doing a good job. Thirty-eight percent! Who are these people? I get the democrats. It follows Fr Robert McTeigue’s axiom, “that an institution would rather go bankrupt, than ever admit they made a mistake.”
Obviously, 82% of democrats are so blinded by ideology, that even a bumbling Biden, who thinks Mexico borders Israel, among other idiotic ideas, is doing a good job. I’m inclined to think they know who is actually in charge - cough, Obama, cough - and are fully onboard the fundamental changing of America into an authoritarian tyranny, where people like Obama and those that write code for Google Gemini, are in permanent control. Because of their utter lack of history, they actually believe that the authoritarian tyrants have their wellbeing at the top of their agenda. Nothing could be further from the truth. I’m further inclined to think that people like Heidi Przybyla, have actually read the Declaration of Independence, understand that Thomas Jefferson and his thinking (as well as the majority of the founders) on natural rights, was not a one off event, but was derived from centuries of historical thinking. Heidi is a propagandist, and belongs to a selfish cult that believes that the most important thing in the whole world is to have unencumbered access to abortion. She say so at the end of the clip. Christian Nationalist is the latest buzz words, replacing fundamentalist Christian, whom the Left have been at war with since time immemorial. The battle of good versus evil, marches on. Onward Christian Soldiers. Recording the Sweden 60 minute interview decades ago I watched a 60 minute interview take place in the UK where the reporter interviewed a Muslim leader who proclaimed that eventually England would be Muslim and I laughed and laughed at that idea way back in the 1980s
Fentanyl is a bigger problem than just overdose deaths among users. It's a poison that can kill you if you just come into contact with the powder. Maybe that's why China is supplying Mexico with the ingredients to make it.
Billionaire-backed Koch network halts Nikki Haley campaign funding after South Carolina loss
https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/25/koch-network-halts-nikki-haley-funding-after-south-carolina-loss.html "Canadian serial killer 'cannibal' who murdered at least 26 women and fed them to his pigs is now eligible to apply for PAROLE
No death sentence?" Don't get me started on that guy; he should never, ever, see the outside of a prison. But it's BC, the province we call the Left Coast, so who knows what the "progressives" who run the place will come up with? And to hell with the victims' families of course. But no, no death sentence. The death penalty was de facto abolished in Canada in 1963 and de jure in 1999 (when it was removed from military law). The scale of action on the Eastern Fronts was vastly larger than the West. The Professor is simply wrong. Russia was the primary engine of destruction of the Third Reich.
The excellent YouTube channel World War 2 In Real Time has been making that truth increasingly obvious every week for the past four years (it’s February 1945 in their timeline). https://www.youtube.com/@WorldWarTwo |